Friday 21 March 2014

How To Reduce Exam Stress

The prospect of sitting an exam can fill anyone with panic and terror; it is one of the stages of education that no-one particularly enjoys and it can really cause stress levels to rise. If you have exams looming, it is important to take steps to reduce your stress levels, as this will give you the best chance of a successful outcome, which will help you in later life. These ideas will help you get the most out of your exams and save you from unnecessary worry. 

Plan Revision
As long as you plan a timetable for your revision, you will be able to ensure you take in as much information as possible and will be adequately prepared when the time comes to undertake your exam. Work out exactly what subjects you need to study for and allocate your time accordingly, taking into account the subjects that might require extra revision. Additional assistance in the form of school revision courses may help with exam stress, as you will learn more about essay writing and exam techniques, which are necessary components for success.
It can be tempting to cram all your studying into a couple of weeks, without taking any breaks, but this will be really counter productive. If you stick to a timetable and give yourself plenty of time for both studying and relaxation, you will feel more at ease and less panic stricken. It is really important to take time out while you are preparing for exams, such as spending time with friends or simply practicing some relaxation techniques. If you incorporate some rest time into your studying, you will find that you will be much more productive when you study. With the additional support of DFE Summer School Programme 2014 and Free School Meal Summer Schools Programme, you should have no reason not to feel relaxed.
Stay Positive
There is nothing worse than listening to people talking about how they are going to fail and how little they have studied, as it can affect your state of mind and cause you to worry unnecessarily. Quite often you’ll find that people say this, even though they are more than prepared for their exams. It is important to stay positive while studying for exams and only surround yourself with positive people during this time, as this way you will get the best out of your exams.
Healthy Diet
It may be tempting to reach for the takeaway menu when you are settling down for a day of studying, but this will end up making you feel sluggish and won’t do much for your concentration. Instead, it is best to follow a healthy eating plan when you are studying, as this will ensure you have energy and are able to concentrate for longer periods of time. It is also a good idea to incorporate some exercise into your routine during study time, as this will help ensure you work more effectively.
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